Saturday, January 24, 2015

Why I Decided to Start This Blog

Hello Everyone!

I remember the moment I found out we were PCSing to Okinawa. It was around 2am and my husband had just gotten home from work when he told he got orders. When he said Japan, I was in shock. Now mind you, we actually wanted orders here! But I was still shocked that this was actually happening. I remember the anxiety of "what now!?" So what is the first thing I do? The internet! I was up until 5am on google and youtube, trying to find as much information as I could. Housing, the flight there, the weather, I wanted to find out as much as I could. I soon would regret that decision, since I have a baby that wakes up early in the morning lol. But I just couldn't shut my mind off.

In the short 4 months we had to get ready for this move, I came up with lots of questions. And to be honest, not a lot of straightforward answers. You ask 3 different people the same question and you get 3 different answers. I remember coming out of our PCS briefing just as confused as when I went in. It was definitely a frustrating time. The best way I found to get good information was to ask people who had just gone through it. So while going through this crazy move, I wrote down my questions and told myself I would put all this information out there. So hopefully I can help someone out there not be so overwhelmed about this crazy process.

Now, I am writing this from an Air Force spouse's perspective. I know there are some differences between the branches, so just keep that in mind. I will write about my experiences before, during, and after moving to Okinawa. Hopefully some of you will find my blog helpful :-)

Thanks for stopping by!

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